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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 24.07.23 12:38. Заголовок: Moving to Oklahoma from California

Oklahoma is home to spectacular landscapes, including forests, rivers, and amazing mountain ranges. The driving force behind the economy emanates from the aviation sector, gas and oil production, telecommunications, and food processing. Oklahoma is home to over 65 Native American tribes, which is a testament to some of the diverse cultures in Oklahoma. Oklahoma's cost of living is nearly 24 percent lower than the national average. However, if you're seriously considering moving from California to Oklahoma, here are a few things to know beforehand.

The affordable cost of living is one of the most alluring reasons to move to Oklahoma City, as the state is ranked among the best states to move to for this reason alone. Sectors such as education, housing, and food are considerably cheaper in Oklahoma in comparison to the rest of the nation. Quite notably, the cost of living in California is approximately 102 percent higher than in Oklahoma. The average cost of a house in Oklahoma City is just $130K, compared to LA where a home can easily cost $689K or more.

The traffic in California can get hectic, and Oklahoma is the exact opposite. Oklahoma's transportation system is convenient and straightforward to navigate. This is mainly because the cities in the state aren't overflowing with massive populations. Consequently, rush hour is virtually non-existent. The public transportation flows fluidly and the infrastructure is sturdy. You may be surprised to learn Oklahoma is among the most stable and fastest-growing economies. Finding a dependable career in Oklahoma isn't as challenging as it is in some other states, as certain cities like Tulsa are constantly improving in lucrative fields such as technology, engineering, medicine, and more. Moving to Oklahoma from California.

Oklahoma has a long-standing history in the agricultural industry. It still boasts the most massive cattle-feeding drive in America. With so much developable land, it's not hard to understand why farming and agriculture are the leading industries in Oklahoma. Distribution, transportation, energy, and healthcare offer promising career opportunities. Moving to a place where the people are friendly and welcoming is an excellent feeling when you relocate. It can make all the difference in your overall experience as a new resident. Oklahoma is known for being a gregarious state. In fact, out of all the cities in the nation, OKC ranks top five for friendliest destinations.

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