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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.08.23 20:40. Заголовок: IDEAL CONCEAL / PHONE GUN

The Ideal Conceal was a pocket pistol with a folding pistol grip. When folded and unable to fire, the pistol mimics the appearance of a smartphone. It was made by Ideal Conceal Inc., of Monticello, MN. Phone Gun consisted of a derringer-style handgun containing two barrels, chambered for either .380 ACP or 9mm. The primary color option available was black, with a plastic exterior and metalcore. Phone Guns were around the same size as a Samsung Galaxy S7 and had a handle that collapsed to give it the appearance of a mobile phone when not in use.

When folded, it was locked so that it could not be fired. The pistol grip itself acted as a safety and was held in place with a detent. To read the gun, the pistol grip must be manually swung open, at which point the firearm takes on the appearance of a conventional handgun, meeting the requirements of a pistol under the National Firearms Act. The Ideal Conceal drew attention and criticism because of concerns over the resemblance to a smartphone and possible legal and safety issues with law enforcement.

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